23 January 2007

Erlang example: "parallel primes"

The code for this example is fairly simplistic and does many things wrong. Nevertheless it does provide some examples of several Erlang constructs. Hopefully this little example is self-explanatory enough to be useful on its own for now, but I hope to now add some commentary as to its construction and flaws. First, it is obviously by far not a good way to generate a list of primes. The point is not to generate primes well, but to demonstrate, using a fairly easy-to-understand problem domain, how one might write a simple program that (1) spawns a set of worker processes to operate upon work items from a queue, (2) accumulate results from their work in an accumulation process, and (3) retrieve those results.

% pprimes.erl

% functions that will be called from command-line must be exported

% functions that will be spawned must be exported

% functions that could be externally testable could be exported

% called from command-line with atoms, e.g. ['10','1000']
start([NProcessesAtom,PLimitAtom]) ->
  NProcesses = atom_to_integer(NProcessesAtom),
  PLimit = atom_to_integer(PLimitAtom),
  T1 = erlang:now(),
  L = pprimes(NProcesses,PLimit),
  T2 = erlang:now(),
  T = timer:now_diff(T2,T1),
  io:format("~w processes computing the ~w primes under ~w took ~w microseconds~n",[NProcesses,length(L),PLimit,T]).

pprimes(NProcesses,PLimit) ->

  % the simple accumulator process will collect the results
  Accum_PID = spawn(pprimes, accum, [[]]),

  % the queue process will serve out the next number to check as a prime
  Queue_PID = spawn(pprimes, queue, [2,PLimit,self()]),

  % spawn the worker processes
  lists:map(fun(X) -> spawn(pprimes, prime, [X,Accum_PID,Queue_PID]) end, lists:seq(1,NProcesses)),

  % wait for the worker processes to signal completion

  % when the worker processes are done, tell the queue process to complete
  Queue_PID ! {done},

  % send message to the accumulator process and wait for response
  Accum_PID ! {get_primes, self()},
  receive {primes,L} -> Accum_PID ! {done} end,

% if there are no more worker processes to wait for...
wait_primes(0) -> noop;

% otherwise keep waiting...
wait_primes(N) ->
    {done} -> wait_primes(N-1)

% simple accumulator process:
% when it receives an add_prime message, adds the prime and re-loops with new list
% when it receievs a get_primes message, responds with the current list and re-loops
% when it receives the "done" message, ends.
accum(L) ->
    {add_prime,P} -> accum([P|L]);
    {get_primes,Client_PID} -> Client_PID ! {primes,L}, accum(L);
    {done} -> noop

% queue process end case: when the queue is empty, enter the queue_empty function.
queue(Cur,PLimit,Main_PID) when Cur == PLimit ->

% queue process main case: wait for next_prime messages and re-enter
queue(Cur,PLimit,Main_PID) ->
    {next_prime,Prime_PID} ->
      Prime_PID ! {ok,Cur}

% empty queue process: inform next_prime requesters that the queue is empty until we receive the "done" message
queue_empty(Main_PID) ->
    {next_prime,Prime_PID} ->
      Prime_PID ! {queue_empty, Main_PID},
    {done} -> noop end.

% main worker process: get the next prime from the queue...
prime(X,Accum_PID,Queue_PID) ->
  Queue_PID ! {next_prime, self()},
    {ok,N} ->
      % io:format("worker ~w testing ~w ~n",[X,N]),
      case is_prime(N) of
        true ->
          % io:format("worker ~w found ~w to be prime!~n",[X,N]),
          Accum_PID ! {add_prime,N};
        false ->
          % io:format("worker ~w found ~w to NOT be prime!~n",[X,N]),
    {queue_empty, Main_PID} -> Main_PID ! {done} end.

% very poor, but we want the process to actually do "some" work...
is_prime(N) when N < 2 -> false;
is_prime(N) when N == 2; N == 3 -> true;
is_prime(N) ->
  lists:all(fun(A) -> N rem A =/= 0 end, lists:seq(2, N div 2)).

% utility funtion: we get our arguments as 'atoms' e.g. '12' but we want integers
atom_to_integer(Atom) ->

If you save the code from this listing as a file "pprimes.erl", you can then compile it from the command line with:
$ erlc pprimes.erl
The following shows an example of running the program from the command line:
$ erl -smp -s pprimes start 100 10000 -run init stop -noshell
You should receive some output that looks something like:
100 processes computing the 1229 primes under 10000 took 1894288 microseconds
And if that isn't "parallel enough", how about just blindly spawning a process for each work item immediately, bypassing the queue altogether?


start([PLimitAtom]) ->

vpprimes(PLimit) ->
  lists:map(fun(N) -> spawn(vpprimes, vpprime, [N,self()]) end, lists:seq(1,PLimit)),
  lists:foreach(fun(N) -> io:format("~w~n",[N]) end, [N || N <- receive_all(PLimit,0,[])]).

receive_all(PLimit,N,L) when PLimit == N -> lists:sort(L);
receive_all(PLimit,N,L) ->
    {p,P} -> receive_all(PLimit,N+1,[P|L]);
    {n,_N} -> receive_all(PLimit,N+1,L)

vpprime(N,R) ->
  T = is_prime(N),
  if T -> R ! {p,N};
     true -> R ! {n,N}

% very poor, but we want the process to actually do "some" work...
is_prime(N) when N < 2 -> false;
is_prime(N) when N == 2; N == 3 -> true;
is_prime(N) ->
  lists:all(fun(A) -> N rem A =/= 0 end, lists:seq(2, N div 2)).

% utility funtion: we get our arguments as 'atoms' e.g. '12' but we want integers
atom_to_integer(Atom) ->

If nothing else, erl -smp -s vpprimes start 10000 -run init stop -noshell will launch 10000 processes to poorly compute a list of primes. Now, is any of this useful? Not for computing primes, certainly. But imagine instead that you wanted to take advantage of an 8-core system and at least speed up the "map" part of a "map-reduce" algorithm. You could now (hopefully) go out and write a "parallel-map" function that applies a function in parallel to all elements of a list, returning the new list.


John Pontious said...

Running the pprimes example on my Core 2 Duo Macbook:

100 processes computing the 1229 primes under 10000 took 637378 microseconds

and after just a little playing around...

20 processes computing the 1229 primes under 10000 took 594019 microseconds

Ash said...

I like to compare the speed of Erlang to Java concurrent libs useage. Has anyone tried this primes stuff in java and have benchmarks for it ?