11 April 2010

Places to write in RTP: Observation Park at RDU.

Observation Park at RDU Airport is a pretty nice place to write because:

  1. No WiFi (no distractions)
  2. Large steel birds which should be flightless nonetheless soar and land with grace
  3. Air Traffic Control Chatter on the speakers
  4. There's a bathroom
  5. There are details on small aircraft to read, like flight range, capacity, fuel consumption, etc.

10 April 2010

Wow. It's been a while.

If for some bizarre reason you're here instead of the BULL SPEC blog, head over there for some fun news:

  1. Creative Commons licensed, pay-what-you-like PDF version of BULL SPEC #1 is available.
  2. BULL SPEC #1 is now available at a bunch of stores, the latest of which is the Cary Barnes & Noble.

And some stuff that doesn't really go over there: two video "reviews" (more like previews or surveys or whatever):

  1. Crossed Genres #16 "Steampunk"
  2. Folded Word's Heron2
